Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My First Kiss

Whew! It's the first day back from a holiday season that, in my ever so humble opinion, was about a week too long. It's nice to have both the hubby and the boy back in their regularly scheduled activities. I loved having them around, but after a while they became tired of me... Who can blame them? :-)

Now, to the point of all of this. Thanks to all of you who responded. It was really great to hear your first kiss moments.

This is my first kiss moment.

I was ten years old in the summer of 1979. We swam like fish that summer; constantly at the Oasis Pool in my hometown. This was a pool that was at the nicest local hotel where I grew up. They had pool memberships for the towns people. My mother, being brilliant as she was, had a membership to that pool until I was in Junior High. Then we moved our membership to another pool, but those are other stories...

I had just finished the fifth grade, my middle sister had gotten married earlier in the spring and my oldest sister was still living at home, my mom was working at an oilfield service company and dad at the chemical plant.

I think we went to the pool everyday that summer. There was alot of out-of-towners in B.C. because they were building the nuclear plant south of town. During the course of the summer we saw many people who were strangers to us, but when you are a kid and you get a chance to meet new kids, no one is a stranger, especially in the 70's.

In July of that year I met this boy named Paul. His family was in B.C. with a company called Brown & Root. They had the major building contract for the South Texas Nuclear Project.

I was at the pool sitting on the concrete with my feet in the baby pool talking to one of my sisters who was sunning herself. Paul sat down beside me and started talking to me, asking where I was from, how old, You have pretty hair, yada, yada, yada... He was cute and nice.

Later that day he sat in the sauna with me and my sisters and basically we hung out all day long. That evening before we girls went home he gave me his gold chain to wear and asked me to "go-steady" and kissed me on the cheek. I was a happy camper. Got home and told my neighborhood friends what happened. The boy who lived behind me was none to happy, as I found out later.

The next day, he told me that his mom was angry that he gave his necklace to me to wear and she wanted him to get it back. I said ok and gave it back. Within about 2-3 hours he "broke up" with me and started chasing this other girl who was our same age, he asked her to go steady too, then broke up with her 2 hours later to "go out" (like, where could we go...) with her older sister. His family left town the next morning. It was silliness at it's finest. I also learned a lesson about boys that summer; they will do whatever they can get away with.

The next summer I met up with the girl he dumped me for. I asked her if she had seen him and she said no. We both decided that if we did, we'd kick his butt. We spent the whole summer together and were friends until she moved away in the 10th grade.

I found the picture my middle sister took of me and Paul. I'll scan it and put it up tomorrow.

Thanks again for sharing your stories with me. :-D


Blogger M said...

They can be... Thanks.

4:34 PM  
Blogger M said...

Yep. Me too.

11:17 AM  

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