Friday, April 22, 2005

On a Serious Note

My sis-in-law is in Munich today. She has the opportunity to see the gas chambers. A remembrance of a very dark time in the history of Germany.

There are so many people talking out about how the war in Iraq is bad. I don't want our men & women to die in any war. I would choose a long, happy, full life for them; if it were my power to do so. On the other hand, tyranny must be stopped.

Unfortunately, the old saying that you have to bully a bully is true. Whether it is on the playground or is happening in another country, it must be stopped.

Things like this start out small. Someone is hurt, so they lash out at whoever is closest & weakest or whom they know won't fight back. Then this person gets away with the bullying. They now think that this is the way to deal with their pain, inflict it on others. Let's see how many people I can make to feel miserable, then maybe I can feel better. This is a really inappropriate coping mechanism. We must teach our children to stand up for themselves, not to take the abuse laid on them by others. All the while also teaching them not to dish it out on those who are innocent. Give credit where it is due, be it good or bad.

You can almost always trace the issue of a dictators roots to his "troubled childhood". I'm sure most of them were abused in some form, so maybe they didn't "know any better". Someone needed to step in and stop their behavior and redirect them in a more positive manner. Then perhaps, most of the horrible persecuting in the world would stop.

Now, I'm no fool. I know that there will always be injustice & war. It's human nature, some call it original sin or the survival of the fittest. I just think that we can mold our future generation into being better than we are.

It is so important, as parents, teachers, soccer moms & baseball dads to recognize inappropriate behavior and nip it in the bud. Perhaps, if we take a more active role in our childrens lives and the lives of those around us, then perhaps we can stop the tyranny before it starts. Then the wars and gas chambers of the past, can stay in the past.


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