Friday, May 19, 2006

Missing Out

Today I went through a bag of clothes that was handed down to my son from a friend of ours. The boy saw a Batman nightshirt that had a cape with it. Of course he put it on with no time wasted and I attached the cape to the velcro that was on the shirt. He was so cute as he ran down our hall. "Mom, is the cape flying?", he asked all excited. "Yep, it sure is!".

He put on his shorts and sandals and wanted to go see his Gammie down the street. I called her to make sure she was home before I let him walk down the street and around the corner. She was home. I walked him down and crossed the street with him and Gam met him in her driveway. As soon as he crossed the street, he started running with that cape flying behind him. He ran straight into her open arms and gave her a hug and a kiss and showed her his cape. They were both waving at me and smiling. I couldn't help but laugh from joy. The pure joy that is in your heart when you see your child absolutely and perfectly happy. I am so incredibly fortunate that we have the pil's around the corner from us.

My parent's don't really "do" anything with their grandkids and it hurts all of us girls. I know in my head that they are not as young as they used to be and it is hard for them to get out and about. We visit them as often as we can. I can't help but feel that they aren't the only ones missing out on getting to really know their grandchildren, their little slices of immortality. I try not to let it "get" to me, but when I have a perfect moment like this morning, I just know that MY parents would have loved to see my son run down the sidewalk with a cape flying behind him going straight into their outstretched arms.

I wonder how long it will be before there is no more opportunity for them to know him and we will not be able to see them anymore. It's breaking my heart.


Blogger Rowan said...

try not to let it get you down. Just be happy that you KNOW that they'd enjoy it just as much too.

1:30 PM  
Blogger M said...

Yeah, I know. The hubby came home to a weeping wife. I hate it when that happens. He was really sweet about it.

5:12 PM  
Blogger TamWill said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel and it does hurt, but then I look at it from another angle and tell myself that the boys may be better off not getting that close!

Be thankful for the blessing of your in-laws, they sound great.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Jacob Spradlin said...

I know how you feel. My dad is currently overseas and gets to see his grandkids once or twice a year. The good news for us is that his tour of duty (he works for exxon-mobil) is up in a year and he is planning on moving back to Kingwood with his new wife and my 8 year step brother, so they will be within spitting distance from Huntsville.

The cape thing was great! With our oldest girl, it is either the fairy wings or the princess outfits...

8:04 AM  
Blogger serendipity said...

Its such a shame for my mum. My sister is a cow and therefore my mum never gets to see her grandkids. She only got to meet her great grandson the other day and he is now 6 weeks old.

When I have kids, I'm going to make sure that my parents can see them grow up and partake of it!

11:04 AM  

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