Friday, December 02, 2005

It Has Come To My Attention

David and I have been discussing our futures, bleak as they seem at the moment, they are on a brighter, happier path. Dave is going back to school as you all know. He and I have been talking about me possibly going back to school to finish my bachelors degree. I was thinking of completing my Sociology degree (I have an Associates in Sociology), Dave thinks that I should pursue a degree in creative writing. Looking at the course load it would take the same amount of time as Sociology and he thinks that I have some natural talent in this area.

You all have read my writing and some of my poetry. Do you think that Dave is on to something here? He says that my writing can only get better. Lord knows it can't get any worse. ;-)

Let me know what you think. I'm curious to see if you think he's right or if my writing is rubbish. Thanks ahead of time for your candor.


Blogger M said...

Probably teaching at a university and writing.

When I went to school when I was 18, I studied English Literature. I still love to read and write. It just never occured to me that I might be good at writing.

I just went back through and read the Weird Little blog and all the comments. I think Dave may indeed be on to something. I know that I have posted some good things on this blog.

2:30 PM  
Blogger Humour and last laugh said...

I too think that your writing will get better.

9:39 PM  
Blogger M said...

Well, I figure that it couldn't hurt to go back to school.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Sniffy said...

Flipping heck, you shouldn't need to ask us! You're eloquent, imaginative and emotional. Of course you should do this if you want to.

4:52 AM  
Blogger M said...

Well, I have my As in Socio for 15 years and it's gotten me squat. Dave made a great point last night. He said, just think, we could spend our last 25 working years doing exactly what we want.

I think I'm about ready to do this. It's what I love. I have observed over the years that if you work in an industry that makes you happy & you love what you do, success will follow. I've seen it over and over.

I pretty much made up my mind before posting, but I thought I'd take a little poll from those who have read my writing. Thanks for the support. :-)

12:16 PM  
Blogger garfer said...

Go with the creative writing. You'll just regret it if you don't. If it doesn't work out you can always switch back to Sociology (much of which is jargon riddled nonsense).

1:15 PM  
Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

I think Garfer has hit the nail on the head - you'll regret it if you don't. You have talent, application, and desire. Give yourself a chance, eh?

3:11 PM  
Blogger M said...

Thanks Spirit & Garfer. I do believe that you are correct in your assessments. Am I that transparent??? :-D

Welcome back Garfer! We missed you!

3:39 PM  
Blogger darl said...

Go for it. Fear nothing!

5:21 PM  
Blogger Rowan said...

I only wish I had the opportunity to go back for a writing degree, then I could be considered a serious writer and feel free to follow my dream.. Do it girl, I"ll be happy by proxxy for you.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Screw Creative Writing...

It doesn't pay jack and you wil forever be sraping money to get by. I say finish Sociology (doesn't pay much either) and get a real job. Then you can do creative writing AND sociology. It gives you two options.

Of course my first pick for you would be a usiness degree with a sociology minor. A business degree is universal and gives you about a 15% salary lift over competing job applicants

6:37 PM  
Blogger M said...

Thank you for your comment Greg.

I DO have a REAL job, thank you very much. And I have spent all but the last 5 years busting my ass for someone else.

Now I work for my family and it's been the best job possible with many fringe benefits; far and away better than anything I could have ever received from the business community.

When I graduate, I will have a degree that will allow me to teach as well as write. If I am good at what I do, the money will follow. I am doing this for my own well being, not for the bucks.

There truly is more to life than money.

7:59 PM  

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