Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Man, I'm Knackered!

I just started watching another baby in my home, short term. She's adorable! Yesterday was the first real day and I was kept so busy by both babies AND my child that I didn't get my walk in.

So, this morning I woke up at 5 am to take my 5 mile walk and get my shower before everybody got here. I'm totally knackered. I feel like I need a nap.

Of course, it doesn't help that I feel like I'm getting a head cold or the allergies are setting in. Sneezing and sniffing all through the house...


Blogger Anita Baker said...

I was curious at to what that ink on your body was so I came over and was very nosy. I looked at all your pics! Hope you don't mind. Oh and that ink is cool.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And not being clever enough, im trying to figure out why you have a baby in your house for a short term, daycare? forstering? black market diaper exchange?

Anyway take care of the cold

10:18 AM  
Blogger serendipity said...

wow, get u getting up that early. You've got more stamina than me!!

11:58 AM  
Blogger M said...

Hi Amera! Thanks for visiting Dreamers' Reality. I don't mind you looking at the pictures one bit. :-) I'm kind of an exhibitionist (when I can get away with it) so I kinda like people to look. I know, I'm weird.

I watched Miami Ink last night too. I love Chris Garver and Kat VonD the best! Ami does have a nice bod.

Come back anytime!!

Hey Guy!
It's the black market diaper exchange! Very Lucrative, doncha know... Actually, I watch a baby that has many health problems in my home and for the next few weeks I'll be watching a child of some friends of ours until their childcare facility has room for her. It's been alot of fun having both babies here, very busy though... You should know how it is since you have your own brood. :-)

Hey Serendipity!!
Getting up that early is killing me today. I haven't been up that early since I was let go of my job 6 years ago.

1:51 PM  
Blogger M said...

Oh, I forgot. I've almost g ot the cold licked. Benadryl works every time.

1:54 PM  
Blogger S.I.D. said...

What's it like at 5am in the morning?

I forget now that my earthangels only wake me at 6am

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually thought of you this morning. We had a storm at 5 am, and i got up, shut all the windows, thought who gets up this early... oh wait, i know one, then promptly snuggled under the covers and slept until 9.

I admire your perserverence :)

5:25 PM  
Blogger M said...

Hey SID! It's dark and warmer than you would think. I sure miss the covers and sleeping until 7am.

Thanks Elohelae! I actually laid down at 8 to rest my eyes and woke up at 8:30. oops. When I went back into the living room both babies were napping and the boy was watching "Curse of the WereRabbit".

8:44 PM  
Blogger TamWill said...

Summer Colds are the worst! Hope you get better real quick :O)

8:51 PM  
Blogger M said...

Thanks Tammy! It's getting better since eliminating the culprit from my diet..."Bit-O-Honey". I had a hankering for them and the honey in them made my allergies flare up and reer it's ugly head. I'm allergic to pollen and since that's what honey is made from it makes me sick when I ingest it. It's the pits.

7:26 AM  
Blogger garfer said...

I quite oftem wake up at 5.00 am.

I then settle down for a lengthy snooze.

5:35 PM  
Blogger M said...

Must be nice, Garfer!!!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Rowan said...

i HATE exercize in the mornings.
It ruins the rest of my day because I'm just too tired to make it.

2:05 PM  
Blogger M said...

Well, my brain doesn't really wake up until 9:30-10am, so my preferred workout time is then. Those 5 am walks killed me. I'm still getting up early, but that's to shower and get dressed for the day, and get the boy together for school. Lord, how I miss a sleep in. I guess Saturdays will have to do it.

8:52 AM  

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