Monday, August 14, 2006


Hi Guys and Gals!

Today was the boys' first day of "real" school. He started Kindergarten today and when he got home from playing at his Gammie's, he had a meltdown.

He was SOOOO tired, as is to be expected. He said that he had a good day when we picked him up, but later he said that his teacher was bossy and bossed him around all day. We told him that that was her job; that's what teachers do. I asked him if he got in trouble and I couldn't get a clear answer out of him until after he had his dinner. At first he said yes, but then later he said that another boy really got into trouble and the teacher was just telling our boy what to do all day. I was satisfied with the answer.

He said that he wanted a sleepover with Gammie on Saturday night and we told him that depended on how the rest of the week went and whether he got into trouble with his teacher or he did well. He promised to behave himself and do his best.

Well, here are some pictures that I took with my phone of today and over the summer. Enjoy!

Owen waiting for school to start
He was waiting with us in the cafeteria for the first bell to ring at 8:05am.

Owen being silly with Dad
This is the boy being silly for the camera. Big Suprise!! :-D

Owen at his desk
This is the boy at his new desk. Already working!

Owen looking at himself in his suit
It's not really clear but he is admiring himself in his suit that he wore to a wedding this summer when he was the ring bearer for our pastors' daughters' wedding. He asked me before we tried on suits if he needed a BEAR SUIT. We thought it was funny!

Owen in suit 2
He liked wearing the suit because he thought he looked like Taylor Hicks the 5th American Idol winner.

Owen sleeping with Sally & Mater
He's sleeping in the car with Sally and Mater!!

Owen on little green scoot 2
He's sitting on a little scoot that looks just like daddy's only in miniature! I'm diggin' it!

height="180" alt="Owen on little green scoot" />
Here comes another one!

I hope you enjoyed that shameless display of parental affection. If it repulsed you, then so sorry, NOT! ;-D


Blogger garfer said...

Like the scooter, not so sure about the dress sense.

That kid will never make a bona fide mod unless he gets some Levi's Staypressed and a Ben Sherman button down shirt.


Also. Flip flops are a no no.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

Wow, he looks great in that suit! (Better than Taylor Hicks!!) Hope he gets around his bossy teacher - good luck to him at the big school!

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok so I am not to wear Flip flops with my suit, is that what im reading folks?

Great pictures, my daughter starts in one week. I dont think im ready lol

10:22 PM  
Blogger TamWill said...

Awe he is adorable! Thanks for the pictures. My boys started 4th grade this mornin'.

I was thinking that they have yet to wear a suit. Weird huh?

Owen looks sharp in his :)

7:29 AM  
Blogger Jacob Spradlin said...

Great Pics! Bear Suit tee hee, at least he didn't ask about his birthday suite!

We here you on the getting into trouble at school thing. Hailey's teachers uses a color scheme, blue is best green in you've been warned and red is really bad.

The students have a clip that moves up or down to the appropriate color.

She even gets a chart sent home with a colored check mark and the date. So far 2 blue check marks for Monday and Tuesday!

7:53 AM  
Blogger Rowan said...

nah I love seeing any opportunity! :)

You'll get to see mine very soon too!

Already in school?!? ours go back the day after labour about summer school!

How long do the kidlets get off?
Canadian kids get off school last week of june...

8:16 AM  
Blogger M said...

Hey Garfer! Well, the flip flops are for our almost 100 degree weather and he doesn't wear them with the suit of course... He's got some Levi's and a few button down shirts and black shoes that he wears with. He looks mighty sharp! What can I say, the kid wears clothes well. BTW: his outfit? He was coming straight from church.

Hey Owl! Yesterday was much better since we had our talk. I asked him if he liked his old teachers at his pre-school better than his current teacher and he said no, he likes his Kindergarten teacher better. He also has some male teachers and he says that he likes them pretty well too. This is the first time he's had a male teacher or principle.

He does look good in his suit. :-)

E! Wuzz Up!?! That is correct, no flipflops with a suit. This unless you are wearing nice leather ones with a linen suit in the Carribbean on vacation. You'll never see those people again. ;-)

She'll do great & so will you. :-)

Thanks Tam! My goodness! 4th grade, they are almost ready to shave! Happy first day of school! Got any laundry in the wash yet? me either... ;-)

Hallo Jake! The boy told us yesterday that a red light is BAD.... Yellow light is ok (of course, we told him that he shouldn't make a hiabit of yellows and reds were not acceptable--- mean old mamma!) and Greens were perfect! We told him that Greens were good in our book and that's the only way he'd be able to do fun stuff outside of school. He got the jist.

Hey! Thanks Rowan! I can't wait to see your pics! Our kids get out of school the last week in May and go back the second week in August with a break for Labor Day in September (1st Monday). When I was a kid we didn't go back to school until after Labor Day so we had 3 full months of fun in the sun. There are a few school districts that have adopted the all year school with a month off in the summer and a month off in the winter. I understand that the kids test higher, but I think that they are missing out on being kids. Of course, that's just my opinion.

8:47 AM  
Blogger darl said...

I like the suit. You should get him a desk. :)

5:56 PM  
Blogger darl said...

With a name plate I might add.

5:57 PM  
Blogger M said...

Funny. ;-)

4:51 AM  
Blogger serendipity said...

aw bless him. has he been well behaved enough to get his sleepover?

4:17 PM  
Blogger M said...

So far, so good. His name has been on green all week and he finished his homework early and turned it in today (it's due Friday.). I'd say the boy is doing smashingly well his first week of school. :-) He'll get his sleepover. :-)

4:41 PM  

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