Friday, August 18, 2006

So Far, So Good

If the boy has a favorable report this afternoon, he will get his sleepover with his Gammie. This has been his first week of "real" school and thus far he has done well. He managed to keep his name clip on the green light, which is very good, while others have gotten theirs on yellow and even the dreaded RED. I guess all of those talks about not letting others lead you to do something you know is wrong, paid off.

It has been nice picking him up from school. The only drawback is that I'm in the car a total of 2 hours 40 minutes per day and that is only to and from school and waiting for him in the carpool lane. If you don't get to the school 45 minutes early in the afternoon, then you are stuck on the street and cars whip around you and people call you the most horrid names and have the most offensive hand gestures towards those waiting. It's much better getting to school early.

Of course, waiting in 99*-100* weather is no picnic, to be sure. I have two large bottles of ice water with me, one for myself and one for the boy. I also bring a snack for him to consume on the 25+ minute drive home and I bring a book to read while I wait. Currently, I am reading "Little House on the Prairie" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It's a pretty good read.

Whilst driving home, we talk about his day, what he did, what he learned, which new class he attended. So far he says that he likes music and that the teacher is 40% better than me, only because she has two good hands and can play the piano. I am satisfied.

The hubby and I will go on a date tonight, but we haven't decided where to go. I'm sure we will find something diverting to do to occupy our time.


Blogger Anita Baker said...

i use to say that i wander to have at least two kids by the time i'm 26. seeing as how that is in a year or so, it's not happening because i'm not married. it's still cool to hear about other peoples kids going to school and the fun stuff they do. although i always wonder how come i can't just pop out a kid and have them be 2 already. babies scare me.

oh and hehehe,it's only 72* today!

2:39 PM  
Blogger M said...

Hey Girlie!!

Kids will come when you are ready. I would say that in my observations and experience, have them after you are married. This way you have someone to help you when they are young and to back you up when they get older.

72*----Bah Humbug!

6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am sorry i am failing in my duties to find you a hot scotish date.... I will try harder and get you knocked up within in the coming months.

I am 35 ( 36 this week) and I have 6 kids and im a better dad at this age than i was in my early twenties I think. I bring more to the table

12:52 AM  
Blogger M said...

I think that the older parent does.

My parents were in their 30's by the time I came into the picture and even though things weren't perfect, I think that they were more relaxed with me and that allowed them to enjoy being parents more, which, in turn, allowed me a more settled childhood.

8:22 AM  

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