Monday, November 27, 2006

Checks, Do People Still Write Checks?

You know, I was thinking about this today. I was watching a commercial and a bank was offering free checks. Are there still people in this day and age of electronic transfer "everything" that still use checks as a form of payment?

We haven't written checks regularly for about two years. Other than the occasional check to the tax accessor-collector, everybody else gets paid on-line. For us writing a check is a bigger pain, because not every business cashes the check right away, so it can potentially mess up your finances if you aren't careful.

I suppose that writing the check will make us have to be more responsible. For me, knowing that the money is gone from the second you press the enter button on the keypad makes the rapid disappearance of the money just that much more permanent.


Blogger TamWill said...

Oh my goodness, I feel sooooo old now! Yep, I still write checks for EVERYTHING except my homeowners and car insurance and those two items are deducted monthly from my checking account.

I am behind on the times and unwilling to change.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Ship Creak said...

i have a cheque (thats how we spell it min old blighty) book , but its very rarely that i use it

Mrs Ship

11:18 AM  
Blogger M said...

We have gotten ourselves into trouble maybe twice while using checks, but so far the on-line banking has been really nice(knocking on wood). Life will be MUCH easier for us once I have a job. :-)

11:46 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I don't write many checks, but there are a few I write every month. Seeing as how we live in a rural area, there are a few small places-like our water association-that aren't set up for debit/credit cards, much less on-line payment. But we have most our bills either on bank draft or pay them on-line. I don't even have to do that with our cell phone bill. Just hit *PAY, another couple of buttons and that's done. All while sitting at a red light or standing in line!

7:54 AM  
Blogger M said...

Hi Jackie!

Technology is a wonderful, yet sometimes dangerous thing! Love it!

8:33 AM  

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