Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's Been A Long Time

These last two weeks have been busy, Busy, BUSY! We got the mil moved off to northern Texas and she is getting settled. Since I've been back, we've had torrential rains, 3 doctor appointments in two days and one more to go by Friday, the car died on me while going to soccer practice (so I had to be towed across town and cancel practice for the second time-rain got us the day before.), I'm still having to deal with this stupid ear infection and I've had three teeth filled!

It's no wonder I'm tired and haven't been blogging.

Good news though, the boy has been invited to participate in the Accelerated Reader program for his school. Kinders don't usually get asked to do so, because most of them are just learning to read and aren't quite at the accelerated level yet(by first grade they start this program). We are going to the meeting tonight to see what it is all about. I'm so glad we taught him to read a long time ago. :-)


Blogger Ship Creak said...

my folks taught me to read before i went to school. thats what i plan to do with my kids.

Sounds like you've had a bit of a mad time!!

Mrs Ship

10:28 AM  
Blogger M said...

Yep, just a bit. I'm not quite finished yet. The car is going to cost about a third of the actual cost, but it is still over $600 to get it out of the autoshop. YIKES!

10:55 AM  
Blogger darl said...

It's good you are arming him with books. My parents did the same thing with, but I'm sure he will be better off than me.


2:35 PM  

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