Music That Moves My Soul!
There is no sound, except my child's voice, that moves my soul like the BAGPIPES! I love them, played well mind you. There is a scottish bagpipe band called The Rogues who used to play at the Texas Renaissance Festival every year. We haven't been to the renfest in a few years, so I don't know if they still play there or not.
The last time we saw them I bought their cd, Live in Canada, eh? They play this rendition of Amazing Grace that pierces the soul. I have it on cd, in my iTunes listing and on my iPod.
When I die, it's going to be played at my funeral. It's so great because you hear the beautiful song that most Christians are at least familiar with and then it moves seemlessly into an Irish jig! I love it. Death is a celebration for a Christian, not something to dread. I think that this song totally shows that. :-)
The last time we saw them I bought their cd, Live in Canada, eh? They play this rendition of Amazing Grace that pierces the soul. I have it on cd, in my iTunes listing and on my iPod.
When I die, it's going to be played at my funeral. It's so great because you hear the beautiful song that most Christians are at least familiar with and then it moves seemlessly into an Irish jig! I love it. Death is a celebration for a Christian, not something to dread. I think that this song totally shows that. :-)
yay canada was mentioned in some small way on a blog....huzzah!
ok i'm better now.
I love bagpipes. not sure I've heard of this dude though, will have to find now.
Bagpipes should only be played outdoors.
Played indoors the skirl of the pipes makes everybody beat each other up.
And you thought Dolly Parton was dangerous.
Check out their website. They are really a cool group of people.
Finalement! Welcome back, my Dear Garfer! Yes, I much prefer bagpipes played out of doors. That music should travel on thte wind.
I have "Off Kilter" (spelling may be bad) by the Rogues. They rock. My dad really likes bagpipe music. He used to wake the house up by playing it in the (what was then) early morning. 9am doesn't seem so early now...
Love those Guys! Have you ever been to see them at the Mucky Duck on St. Patty's Day? I'm dyin' to go!
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