Finally Gave In...
And went to the doctor. I thought that what I had were just allergies gone awry like normal. Nope. I have pneunomia. 3 prescriptions and $90 later, I have what I need to stay out of the hospital. The hubby is off of work again, to take care of me and I'm couch bound (doctors orders) for the next two days. Good night. All My Children, here I come.
OH MY GOD! you poor thing, thats awful.
sending you hugs and get well wishes.
I've put one of my songs on my blog btw!!
hey there, get well soon mrs lady, dont let it get bad
Thanks Guys.
I feel a little better. Now the boy has the same cough, so it's off to the doctor with him tommorow.
Oh I hope and pray that you and Owen get well quick. Take care and get plenty of rest.
Thank you. It's pretty tough getting the prescribed rest, so many things are calling my name to be done, but David's mother has been taking care of me. I love her.
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