Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Working outside the home or inside the home?

I was just reading the reply post of another blog that I read daily (Stillwaters Garden). This person posted anonymously and really bashed this woman for being a stay at home mom and wife.

From the comments it sounds like this person doesn't have kids and is very angry at the thought of staying home and serving God by serving your family. I figure that this person, most likely is an un-married woman. I feel sad for her because she is so angry and belligerent.

It is a very noble thing to be a stay at home mom and wife, if you can afford it. If you can't afford it, then there is nothing wrong with that; circumstances beyond your control, as it were.

There are some moms that know they'd kill their kids if they stayed home with them. That's not a weakness, it's a strength to know your weaknesses.

This war between working moms and stay at home moms is ridiculous. It's just a different choice, no more, no less. No one person is right or wrong, just different. To quote "Robin Hood-Prince of Theives" "Allah likes variety."

It takes all kinds to make the world go round. Let's be nicer to those who are different. You don't have to be mean to get your point across. Ideas presented in a loving manner are more readily accepted than those presented in anger.

Ok. That should be the end of my soap box speech for the day...That is unless I find something else to type about. Love to you all!!!! m.


Blogger Tim & Cynthia Johnston said...

I just wanted to let you know I have enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for the post on our blog.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Martha said...

LOL..wow! Sounds like the comment was really nasty. WHY.. do people take the time to leave nasty messages on other people's personal journals. I know it is out there for all the world to read But you don't see me running around posting on the porn blogs what I think of them. sigh.. some people have far too much time on their hands!

9:09 PM  
Blogger M said...

LOL!!!! I love you Martha!!!

8:17 AM  

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