Monday, February 20, 2006

Poor Baby Boy...

I really feel for my son today. He's been sick all weekend with a cough and drippy nose and NOW he has PINK EYE! That stuff is the worst non-life threatening infection. Mostly because you are constantly washing your hands or their hands, the sheets, the clothes, etc, just so you don't spread it to the whole family.

Saturday, he was feeling super rotten and I kept having to tell him to wash his hands. He'd come out of the bathroom and touch his eye and I'd tell him to go wash his hands again. He looked at me with tears streaming down his cheeks and yell something indecipherable with a look on his face like, "Why are you doing this to me????" and go back and wash his hands. Poor baby. It was dark and dreary weather around here on Saturday. I think the high was around 58*F and it was wet and rainy. Roo-Bear slept all day, The Boy had his blanket that his cousin made for him and his pillow on the couch. When Dave came home from school it was like a snore fest in the living room. We all curled up and watched Tim Burton's: The Corpse Bride. It was a really cute movie. Of course, we like Tim Burton's sense of humour and darker side. I watched Sleepy Hollow last night. I didn't realise until yesterday how many Tim Burton movies we have. We've got 3 of the Batman movies(vhs), Sleepy Hollow, Nightmare Before Christmas(I love that one!) and Big Fish. Those were just the ones that I remebered off the top of my head.

We're going to the doctor today. I had to tell the mom of the little baby that I watch that he couldn't come today because of the pink eye. She works for an optometrist so she is quite familiar with conjunctivitus.

Right now the weather is 38*F and I'm not looking forward to taking the all important shower, but I better get to it so I can take the boy to the doctor. It's dark and rainy again today and I need to muster up the energy to wash everything associated with the boy and his room. I'll probably get that done and then snuggle with him on the couch for the rest of the day. Really, not a bad way to spend some time...


Blogger TamWill said...

Poor Baby! The eye drops will bring him relief. The Twin's had it once and I made them wear sunglasses in the house.

(TV watching & sunlight is hard on the eyes when you have pinkeye)

8:19 AM  
Blogger P-Ratt said...

I sure hope he gets to feeling better soon!

2:31 PM  
Blogger garfer said...

The sun is actually shining here at the moment. Makes a change from constant rain and gales.

Still cold tho'.

2:58 PM  
Blogger M said...

Thanks. He's getting better, but can't return back to school yet. He also has an ear infection. I can tell he's getting better because he's driving me CRAZY!

I don't remember having pink eye myself, but my niece had it just before Dave & I got married and she was so upset because she thought that she couldn't be in the wedding. Of course we let her, she wasn't contagious by then.

So glad that the sun is shining for you Garfer. Must be gorgeous out your front door. :-)

7:46 AM  
Blogger Kyahgirl said...

Poor MNH family!
I've had a lot of chapped hands from extreme handwashing recently too. When everyone is sick there's a lot of cleaning to do.

Its warmed up here quite a bit. Just below freezing. last week we had a bit of a dip into the deep freeze at -30 (C) Not to complain though-we've gotten off easy this winter :-)

10:42 AM  
Blogger M said...

As much as I enjoy the cold weather, I do believe that -30C would be a bit too nippy for me. It makes my toes cold just thinking about it. :-)

2:08 PM  
Blogger S.I.D. said...

Ah off work?

6:10 PM  
Blogger M said...

Actually, since I watch another child in my home, I did get the day off. Of course, it was spent in the car driving all over this fair city of ours going to the doctor, picking up medicine, etc.

He's much better now. We finished the drops & are now working on the anti-biotics for his ear infection.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Newsandseduction said...

is your baby fine now? keeping warm by avoiding bath helps. how old is sha?

7:09 AM  
Blogger M said...

Thanks for asking news&seduction. :-) Yep, he's all good now. So much so, that I keep forgetting to give him his antibiotics. He's one dose behind and this morning I forgot to give it to him again. I'll spring it on him after school, but he'll have a suprise juice box to wash it down with in the car. :-)

11:17 AM  

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