Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Where HAVE You Been?

When that pops into my head, I hear Mrs. Weasley yelling at the boys after they took the flying car to rescue Harry from the Dursley's in HP#2.

Indeed, where have I been? Eh, I've been around visiting the blogs, but not doing much writing on the blogs per se. Nothing has really caught my attention, nor has anything really pissed me off enough to blog about. Not that the last issue would end up on
this one anyway...

I've had some ideas for songs and poems and have bought a couple of journals to keep, one for the purse and one for the office, just in case inspiration strikes; I'd like to be ready.

It never fails, when you don't have access to pen and paper the best most fantastic ideas just flow and flow like a raging river driving itself to the sea.

When you finally have pen and paper at your disposal, you are confronted with the Sahara Desert, nothing but sand and wind as far as the eye can see. You find yourself asking, "Now where did that flipping
muse go??? I told her a FIVE minute break, not a month long vacation to the Bahamas or where ever it was she decided to go..."

Such is life...


Blogger garfer said...

The best ideas always occur when you wake up during the night. Nobody can remember them the next morning.

Keep a journal by your bed, or a cigarette packet.

1:48 PM  
Blogger David said...

Need a micro recorder to carry with you everywhere.

2:45 PM  
Blogger M said...

Both quite excellent ideas, sans the smokes though, (bad for the voice). I probably could use a recorder so that I can remember the melodies that come to me.

4:40 PM  
Blogger TamWill said...

I understand!

9:13 AM  
Blogger TamWill said...

I understand!

9:14 AM  
Blogger M said...

Ain't it always the way???

1:34 PM  
Blogger S.I.D. said...

Easy....Just say it out loud then punch the person next to you.

They will remember it for you.

2:56 PM  
Blogger M said...

Or steal it if it's really good...

4:12 PM  

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