Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sitting At the Machine

Ah, here I am sitting at the machine, cleaning off the desk (a much needed cleaning, mind you) and about to enjoy a fine cup of Jasmine tea. I'm listening to the boy cough a little, but it is not alarming. Last nights' coughing attack was a bit disconcerting to say the least, but today he is better.

Last week or so I was looking through my kitchen cabinets and was asking the hubby, "What the heck happened to ALL of our plastic containers???" I am quite sure that I had bought a few sets at three different times and now they are all gone. We have a plastic container thief among us or is it something else? The quandry...

As I am putting sugar from the large container into a more portable one, I find three different plastic containers full of chocolate chip biscotti that the hubby had made around Christmas time, as an experiment. I wonder why they are not being enjoyed. Looking on the bottom of the container I see why, they are blackened cajun biscotti. I'm sure that he just can't bear to throw away perfectly decent food, albeit burned to a crisp. I will remedy him of this affliction poste haste and toss it in the trash for him. He'll never know the difference and I will get three of my beloved plastic containers back. :-)

While writting this thoroughly tantilising and interesting post, I am also trying to get the boy to finish his lunch so he can have a nice visit with Papa while I go have my new glasses repaired. The very day that I picked them up, I left the store and as soon as they transitioned from indoor to outdoor colour two arched scratches form on the left lense. Strange and annoying. They are fixing them for free, Yippee!

I will have my before and after picture up soon, within a day or two. I want to have that post be my 300th post. I am quite close to the number now and am wanting to do something special with it.

I would wax nostalgic or poetic on this post about #300, but I really should wait until then. :-) So this will have to do until that ever beloved post comes out.

Hope you all are having a great day and I will type to ya later. Be on the lookout for an audio post or a podcast soon.

Much love and affection to you all! m.


Blogger garfer said...

Women have a thing about plastic containers. I found one with crackers dating from 1996.

All plastic containers, useless trays, baskets, and elderly spices must be confined to the bin.

Thus spake the garfer.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Kyahgirl said...

Hi M :-)

I always skulk around and throw things away that someone can't bear to part with. Always a controversial activity-best done under cover of darkness!

Looking forward to seeing the new glasses.

10:38 PM  
Blogger M said...

So says the Pharoh; So it shall be done...

I do my best purging when the hubby is at work. In fact, they are going today.

9:34 AM  
Blogger Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

Cool indeed!

10:06 PM  
Blogger S.I.D. said...

Does waxing your nostalgics hurt?

1:20 PM  
Blogger M said...


Only if the wax is too hot! Yeow!

3:50 PM  
Blogger The Grunt said...

Hey, I make the same kind of cookies that your husband does; except, I never knew what to call them: blackened cajun chip cookies

11:50 PM  
Blogger M said...

The funny thing is that usually the hubby is an awesome cook, just like his mom. :-) So rare is it that he burns anything. Most of the time it is me who burns food in my impatience to get the task accomplished. Quel dommage...

11:12 AM  
Blogger TamWill said...

The funny thing is (well not funny) my plastic containers disapear...never to return :(

4:09 PM  
Blogger M said...

Strange how that manages to happen. You have to buy a whole new set every three years.

Then of course, you realise that your set from years before is at an in-laws house & you don't want to say anything because they'll assume you thought that they stole it or something. When what was really on your mind, is that you were too embarassed to admit that you forgot what you brought your meatballs in.

4:41 PM  

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