Monday, March 13, 2006

Holy Crap! What Have I Signed Up For????

Hey Y'all!

Friday night was a BLAST!!! Dave & I had a couples thing at church and afterwards we had a gallery showing to go to. When we got home, we found a very sweet note from our neighbor saying that her son couldn't keep the boy. What to do, what to do??? so, we took him with us.

It turned out really good. We got to meeet Darl & his other half and both were just as wonderful as I thought they'd be. :-) The art was great too. I like the way art makes you look at other things from a different perspective.

Saturday, I went to what was "advertised" as a "parents clinic" for soccer. Yeah, right... Sucker is in REALLY BIG RED letters on my forehead! Ha! I stayed anyway and listened to what the regional director had to say. Long and short of it is that I am going to coach my son's soccer team. **** EDIT**** I have volunteered to coach. They haven't accepted me yet, background checks and all... It should be fine. They said that we(the adults) aren't allowed to coach strategy or make it competitive. The kids can make this competitive, just not the coaches or parents. I'm cool with that. I really don't want to see a bunch of 5 year olds "going for the kill" on a soccer field. Throughout the time we were there he taught us how to play the game and do the practice drills.

He actually made us pair up and run the drills and play a game. I haven't run around like that since I worked with the kids at the church, about 9 years. I could barely walk yesterday and figured that the shocks in my shoes were shot. $50 later I have a better pair of trainers and hopefully I'll be getting in better shape.

He told the people who had 5 year olds that we had better join a gym, we have 3 weeks to get into shape because we would be chasing the ball most of the time. Holy Mole! Oh well, I wanted to start up the exercise anyway. I always sing better when I'm walking, better breath control.

So anyway, I'll have to let you all know how this goes. Meanwhile, pray that I get through these next few weeks without dying on the field and that none of the kids gets hurt. I don't want a soccer mom marching out on the field coming towards me with venom in her eyes. Eeek gads!


Blogger TamWill said...

WOW I bet Owen is beside himself with glee! Is the hubby going to help ya coach? That would be great! You go gurl :O)

6:23 PM  
Blogger M said...

Thanks guys. :-)
If I am accepted, it should be fun. Owen is excited. We have a friend that is knee deep in FFPS and scouts. He loves it. He was at the meeting saturday and we paired up in the drills. It really was alot of fun, everybody was laughing and having a good time. I'd really like to coach so that I can pick our practice day. My weeks are pretty structured and need to stay that way.

I'll find out by the 30th of March if I am coaching or just helping, either way, I intend on having some fun. :-)

9:18 AM  
Blogger M said...

This league doesn't allow that kind of behaviour from the parents or the coaches. I think that it'll be fine. BTW: beautiful pic!

8:26 AM  

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