Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Rant Zone: Harry Potter and Ignorant People

I read this article this morning and I was totally irritated by the complete ignorance and arrogance of alot of people . If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, "How can anyone comment on things that they know nothing about?"

This woman and others like her have never read the Harry Potter books and continue to say things are in them that will corrupt our children and our society. How about being a responsible adult and actually reading the the books instead of relying on someone else's opinion for your own. Have you not a mind of your own? Can you not read the material and come to your own conclusions?

That's what I did. I knew that the Harry Potter books were popular and I also knew that someday my child would want to read the books. So, as a responsible parent, I read the books first. I was pregnant when I read them and found nothing in them that would compromise my faith. I also know, since reading the material, that I would not let my son read them until I felt that he was secure enough in reality and his own Christian faith to know full well that these are works of FICTION! Fiction people!, not the devil.

I do know that Satan works in wylie ways and is quite sophisticated in his seduction, but these books are more about Harry's relationships and getting through his life than wizardry. If I thought that by reading these books my son would start doing blood sacrifices and worshiping the devil, you better believe that the books would no longer be in my house.

The woman stated that because she has four children, that she didn't have time to read the books. Yet she has time to read all of the stuff written against these books? She actually equated them to pornographical material. “I’ve put a lot of work into what I’ve studied and read. I think it would be hypocritical for me to read all the books, honestly. I don’t agree with what’s in them. I don’t have to read an entire pornographic magazine to know it’s obscene,” Mallory said.

Well, until she does "real" research on the matter, her opinion to me is a load of bunk. It's just a shame that she would deny a generation of children the joy of reading just because she doesn't like books that she has not and has no intention of reading. I've said this a million times, but here we go again; self-censorship is a wonderful thing!


Blogger Jacob Spradlin said...

OMG tell me about it....I remember the daycare we had our oldest in had little audio cassets where we signed out saying that HP was "of the devil".

Being and avid Sci Fi/Fantasy reader, I must have a nice little chateau being built for me.

Personally I think God gives us imaginations for a reason, to use them!

3:19 PM  
Blogger garfer said...

If JK is the fount of satanic evilness, then I am an aubergine (eggplant).

And that's all I have to say on the subject.

4:39 PM  
Blogger M said...

Hey Zippy Jake! Welcome to Dreamer's Reality. It's crazy some of the things that are done in the name of Christ.

There ya go Garfer, you MUST be an aubergine... ;-)

8:30 PM  
Blogger Jacob Spradlin said...

If you don't mine, I'm going to add Dreamers' Reality to my blog roll.

7:18 AM  
Blogger Jacob Spradlin said...

ack, Mind even, my speller seems to be off.

7:18 AM  
Blogger M said...

Don't mind at all. :-)

7:36 AM  

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