Holy Mole! It's been busy around here! The boy started violin last week and soccer this past Sunday. I am his coach and the coach for 7 other really cute kids, 6 boys and 2 girls AND....15 PARENTS. It's not the kids that concern me, it's the parents.
The Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer League has very specific guidelines about behavior towards the children, nothing negative. Absolutely NOTHING negative. If you are caught being mean or debasing towards a child, you might as well start running and never come back. You can't even point at a child. They are deadly serious about this.
I worked in the childcare industry for almost a decade, so this is not a new thing for me, I just have to keep an ear open for the parents. So far, there hasn't been an issue, but yesterday was our first practice.
I found a team manager and she's already made my life SO much easier. She has the hard job; all I have to do is teach the kids how to dribble and kick. She's got to get the paperwork together, remind the parents about the practices, get the drink schedule done, get the shirts and pictures situated and the after season party together too. She gets a special gift at the end of the season. I don't know what it is, but it better be an all expenses paid trip to L.A. to get her hair done by Jonathan Antin, because she'll have EARNED that baby!
I am so freaking glad that I started walking when I did. Not only did I NOT fall on the ground having a heart attack while keeping up with my team, I actually surpassed them in the energy department. I was ready to go, but they were getting tired. Imagine, 5 year olds getting tired after playing for a solid 45 minutes of kicking and chasing a ball around, the nerve... ;-)
They really were awesome and I made sure that I heaped the praise on the kiddos AND the parents. They were out there running around too. 'You come to me and expect me to take care of your kids while you stand by and watch??? Uh-Uh, you gonna get your booty out there and WORK Baby!' Everybody had great attitudes, so it was a delight working with all those who showed up. Wednesday we have our next practise and Saturday, we play our first game. We have a parade before the game to get all the kids psyched! I think this is going to be alot of fun. :-) If for nothing else, it has gotten me walking again & I feel great! Already my smaller jeans are getting too big! Yay!
The boys' violin lessons are getting pretty involved. It's a good thing that I know a bit about music and theory, because if I didn't, we'd have a problem. He has to learn how to clap his rhythm, do his drills, have ear training, build his bow arm muscles and violin hand muscles and other things that I am SURE that I am forgetting.
I tell ya, between soccer, violin, walking two miles 6 days a week and keeping Kenny, NOTHING ELSE gets done around here. I need a maid! I'm so very glad that I only have one more month and I'll no longer be leading the Sunday School Kids Choir. Whew!
You are thinking, What the heck???
Ok. I had the wreck on March 16. It took a week to get my car back, actually 8 days. Then the next Wednesday while driving southbound on Hwy 59 towards Sugarland to pick the boy up from school at 60 or so mph the engine cuts and the starburst ! light flashes and the engine goes again. The hubby is driving, so I look the light up in the owners' manual. It says to take to shop immediately! Post Haste, people! So, we took the car back to the shop. They changed out what they thought was a bad heat sensor and gave it back to me on Thursday. Great!
Thursday night coming home from Choir, it does it again. Friday morning the mil watches the boys and I take it back to the shop. 12:30pm rolls around and they decide that they better get me a cab home because they can't figure it out. Saturday morning I call, "Mister car repair man, how is my car? My one and ONLY car?" "Well, Mrs. MHN for Short, our technician can't figure it out." They were going to send the radiator to a radiator shop to have it boiled, but called Ford and they told them to replace the radiator. Darn good thing we still have that extended extra care warranty in effect, it would have cost us over $1200 to get my car outta hock. I'm SO glad we bought that. It has saved our butts a couple of times. So, I finally got my car back. The case manager and I figured that it must have been residual damage from the car over heating while trying to escape a hurricane that never hit us. That was one expensive storm for those of us who tried to leave. Duck that, I'm waiting the next one out! Maybe...