When I first started to vote, I voted the way my parents did. They were what you would refer to as "Yellow-Dog" Democrats. So , I referred to my self as an "enutero" democrat.
Now that I'm paying my own bills, have a child, study the bible more, I vote differently. For me, the democrat party is no longer speaking to me and the republican party is. Boy, is my Dad ticked about that!
Well, when I met my sis-in-law, I was still voting the same way she did, although I was becoming more conservative in my views. Somewhere along the road to really trying to do what God wants me to, I learned to not be judgmental. Matthew 7:1 says "Do not judge or you too will be judged"NIV. So I've spent the last 5 or so years trying to not judge people or their actions. In Amway, they say "Love them where they are at." So that is the philosophy I have adopted.
So, now that I'm more conservative, I feel like I'm being judged by the before mentioned. She thinks I'm wrong about everything I think, because I don't think like her. She has had gastric by-pass surgery, to save her life, so now she looks fabulous! Good for her! I feel like every time we are together & food is involved, she watches everything that goes into my mouth and by the look on her face, I feel judged. Anytime I have an opinion, she condescends me and treats me like a child; "Yes Michelle, we know how you feel on this subject..." "Whichever one of us is wrong, that person will be forgiven..." Which translates to You're wrong and I'm right...blah, blah, blah... poo-poo on you, Michelle! Her friends are extremely judgmental and openly make fun of any type of mistake or difference you might make or have. It's become so bad for me, that I'm uncomfortable around them. That's why we don't visit with them any more than we do (maybe once to three times a year, including holidays).
I'm sorry if she thinks I'm judging her. Truly, I'm not. I can only go by what God has to say on these different subjects. He has told us to teach, rebuke and correct in a loving manner. Now granted, I know that I'm a little more straight forward than most people like. I figure, why mince words. Make your message clear and this way the meaning won't get lost in the world of political correctness. Don't even get me started on that .Maybe it will be a different post. If I feel so inclined on another day to discuss it. :-)
For the last 2-3 years, when I ask for forgiveness, I also ask God to make me what He wants me to be so I can help to build His kingdom here on earth. It's a dangerous thing to ask the Father, for surely He will do it & if your not ready to submit, then you will be conflicted. At first, I wasn't ready. I didn't really know what I was asking. Now I do, He has transformed me. I'm much more outspoken about His word and what He wants.
She can't handle what I'm saying, so "I" must be wrong because "she" doesn't want to hear it. She's still in the "honeymoon" Christian phase: love, peace, hope... I'm in the "work" phase: let's make sure that if someone is promoting an inaccurate teaching, then gently correct them and back it up with scripture.
I really don't want someone led astray from God, because someone else is trying to have God fit their mold. If you can put God in a box and make Him smaller, then he's not big enough to be my God. My God is big enough to create the ENTIRE WORLD--not yelling, it's just SO BIG. He's planned every tiny detail on a world that's so big, there is no way God can fit in my miniscule box.
I just think it's sad, and my feelings definitely are hurt by her judgments against me. But the Bible also says that if you are hurt because you believe in Christ, then you will be blessed. Hopefully, she'll get more bible study in and learn more. Maybe someday she'll find that I was just trying to do what I was commanded by God. What we are all commanded by God to do. That's my prayer and hope for her and all people who try to make God fit their box. I love you all, whether you think like me or not. m. :-)